Take our expert-filtered data beyond the StateScape platform with our technology pairings
Whether you are looking to cut costs with email alerts or data feed-only delivery, design a custom communication and documentation solution, or integrate tracking data into an existing platform, StateScape can help you to find the perfect solution. Love your current tracking and reporting method and just need better quality filtered results to help save you time? We can help with that, too.
StateScape’s Legis Track, Regs Track, and Local Track include a variety of email alerts subscription options to help you get just what you need delivered right to your inbox, and cut down on inbox clutter. If you don’t need access to our platform, you’ll also qualify for our lower contract pricing.

Need to export your tracking information to your compliance software, grass roots platform, or combine it with other data services you access? StateScape’s platform lets you download reports to Excel at any time. Our advanced data export solutions allow you to receive your monitoring data automatically in CSV, XML or JSON file formats via FTP.

Explore StateScape’s custom integrated communication and content management system. Group Notes lets you add information right to the bills and regulations in your tracking, including links and documents, comments, staff or departmental assignments, priority and position levels, target dates, and more. This content can be shared across your organization and included in reports or data feeds, so that you can take care of your entire policy monitoring operation in one place.
With tons of field formats to choose from and the ability to change details on-the-fly you can design the perfect custom solution to help your team communicate and report on your tracking seamlessly. Or take advantage of our plug-and-play StateScape-designed Group Notes templates for common tracking needs like compliance and advocacy.

StateScape’s advocacy and compliance analysts understand your needs and can help you create the perfect solution to meet your analysis and technology needs. Contact us to learn more about how StateScape can help you:
- communicate policy positions effectively with your association members
- coordinate communication across your teams
- design an airtight compliance review workflow and reporting system
- adjust your coverage to changing client/business needs over time
- use policy tracking to enhance your online resources, market research, GRC strategy, and more!

Not just working for you, WORKING WITH YOU
Whatever your tracking needs may be, we can help you to identify the legislative and regulatory actions that impact your organization. Give us a call today to learn more about our collaborative approach.